Friday, May 13, 2011

10-Day Silk-for-Milk Challenge Review and Giveaway

In our house we are divided on how good milk is. I have always been the milk hound and my husband says milk is for kids. Well I never thought I would say I would use Silk Pure Almond instead of milk for some of my food choices. I was just as shocked I liked it as my husband was. I took the 10 day challenge and I am hooked on the Almond Milk now! The website Switch to Silk is a challenge to everyone to try the Silk products in place of what you would put milk in. They have three varieties to try, Silk Pure Almond, Silk Pure Coconut, and Simply Silk Soy.

For my 10 day Challenge I tried Pure Almond with my breakfast of toast and blueberries, it was great. I tried it in my cereal, kinda a bit too sweet but I am sure the Simply Silk would have been better, I have that one on my to try list! But the BEST was when I added it to a shake. I put bananas, yogurt, blueberries and the Silk Pure Almond and I was in flavor heaven! It was soooo good! I have been telling my husband for over a year now I wanted to try Silk brand products and I am so glad I did. I am hooked now. There is also a chocolate version of the Pure Almond, I had the vanilla, it was all out of stock at our store but I will keep my eye out for it. I really want to try it! You can find what store carries Silk near you at the store locator.

To start off on your own Silk for Milk challenge you can download a Silk Coupon here.

Silk has offered one of our readers the chance to win a Silk branded Chicobag and a coupon for a Free product coupon so you can try Silk too.

To Enter This Giveaway:

 Tell me what would you try to switch from Milk to Silk in your daily routine?

 *Leave a comment answering the question and be sure to leave your email address*


Extra Entries: Can be done after leaving a comment for mandatory entry.
If the extra entry says 1 extra entry leave 1 comment and 2 extra entries leave me 2 comments and so on. 

-Follow Frugal Family Tree on GFC (top right hand corner) +2

-Like our new fan page on Facebook Frugal Family Tree +3
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-Follow Silk on Twitter +2
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-Add our button to your blog and leave a link of where it is located +5 (top left hand side) 

-Vote for us for "Were on the Fence" (left hand side of the blog, just click the button) +3

-Enter other current giveaways on our blog +1 for each entered

*Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. Giveaway starts May 13, 2011 and ends on May 28, 2011 at midnight PST.  Winner will be emailed and has 48 hours to respond before another winner is selected. I was not paid for this giveaway or post. I was provided for free one Silk product coupon for this review. The opinions are 100% mine and may vary from others.



Frugal Science Gal said...

I would like to try it in order to reduce calorie intake!

frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com

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Frugal Science Gal said...

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Frugal Science Gal said...

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frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com

Frugal Science Gal said...

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frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com

Frugal Science Gal said...

Entered into Sports Fan Care Package Giveaway

frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com

Texas Type A Mom said...

I'd use Silk in my coffee

Texas Type A Mom said...

I follow you publicly via GFC - Kelly T/texastypeamom

Texas Type A Mom said...

I follow you publicly via GFC - Kelly T/texastypeamom

Texas Type A Mom said...

Entered in the Soft Lips giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would switch from milk to silk because of I am lactose intolerant
nclaudia 25 (at) yahoo (dot) com

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nclaudia 25 (at) yahoo (dot) com

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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lewalk said...

I have developed problems digesting milk as I have gotten older but have been on a Lucky Charms kick lately. Lol. I have them at least once a day. I would love to try Silk with them.


lewalk said...

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Leah W.


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lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

Entered Wild Thornberrys.


lewalk said...

Entered Softlips.


lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

Entered Mickey's Great Outdoors.


lewalk said...

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Leah W.


lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

Follow them 2.


Just Coupons said...

I'd try to switch from milk to silk in my carnation instant breakfast

HannahAchrissmile said...

I'd like to try the silk coconut milk because I've always wanted to try it and it sounds delicious!
I'd use it in a smoothie too!
aigcanada7 {at} hotmail (dot) com

HannahAchrissmile said...

­­­­­I follow on GFC ( hannah . chrinahxxx@..)

aigcanada7 hotmail [dot] com

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aigcanada7 hotmail [dot] com


HannahAchrissmile said...

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aigcanada7 at hotmail (dot) com

HannahAchrissmile said...

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HannahAchrissmile said...

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aigcanada7 at hotmail (dot) com


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aigcanada7 ]at] hotmail (dot) com


HannahAchrissmile said...

like" silk on facebook (hannah knit)

aigcanada7 at hotmail (dot) com

HannahAchrissmile said...

like" silk on facebook (hannah knit)

aigcanada7 at hotmail (dot) com


HannahAchrissmile said...

follow silk on twitter (achrissmile)

aigcanada7 ]at] hotmail (dot) com

HannahAchrissmile said...

follow silk on twitter (achrissmile)

aigcanada7 ]at] hotmail (dot) com


HannahAchrissmile said...

voted on the fence

aigcanada7 {at} hotmail (dot) com

HannahAchrissmile said...

voted on the fence

aigcanada7 {at} hotmail (dot) com


HannahAchrissmile said...

voted on the fence

aigcanada7 {at} hotmail (dot) com


LifeBelowZero said...

I would switch from milk to silk for shakes and cereal to avoid dairy products which tend to pile on the pounds and worsen allergies.
Great Giveaway!

livingoutloud3 (at) gmail (dot) com

Sunnie said...

My husband has already switched over due to health reasons, from ulcerative colitis.

mommydoll13 said...

im going to use it in my tea =)

~city girl turned country housewife~ said...

Would switch from milk to silk because I am lactose intolerant

~city girl turned country housewife~ said...

following on twitter


~city girl turned country housewife~ said...

folling on twitter


RealtorSD said...

I already drink Silk but my husband was commenting that he wants to switch because Silk has no cholesterol
sarah at

RealtorSD said...

i follow silk on twitter as sarahndavis
sarah at

RealtorSD said...

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sarah at

Paula M. said...

I would use it to make French toast and pancakes in the morning.

Paula M. said...

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kolpin said...

my hot chocolate

kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

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kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

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kolpin said...

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kolpin said...

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kolpin said...

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kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

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kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

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kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

entered lysol

kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd use it in my cereal
gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

FFT fb fan #1
gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

FFT #2
gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

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gingeroo616 at aol dot com

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gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

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gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

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gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

silk twitter follower #2
gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

silk fb fan #1
gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

silk fb fan #2

Anonymous said...

Entered the Lysol giveaway
gingeroo616 at aol dot com

Paula M. said...

I entered the Lysol Allergy-Proofing Your Home Giveaway.

Paula M. said...

I entered the Softlips So You Lipcare Pack Giveaway.

Paula M. said...

I entered the Yoga By the Dozen DVD Giveaway.

Paula M. said...

I entered the Inspiration For A Lifetime Book Giveaway.

Paula M. said...

I entered The Lazy Gourmet Book Giveaway.

Paula M. said...

I entered the Lovable Labels Book Worm Labels Giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would use it in my coffee

Amanda Tempel said...

I really dislike the taste of milk. Silk is an amazing alternative! It had the benefits of milk, but a much better taste. So, I would use it to replace the milky taste!


Amanda Tempel said...

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Amanda Tempel said...

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Little Miss Sunshine said...

I think it would be wonderful on my morning oatmeal!

Little Miss Sunshine said...

GFC follower, 1

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Little Miss Sunshine said...

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Mary said...

I want to replace the milk in my cereal with silk!

m13hatch at gmail dot com

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I entered the Lysol giveaway.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I entered the lazy gourmet giveaway.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I entered the softlips giveaway.

Mary said...

i follow you via GFC

m13hatch at gmail dot com

Mary said...

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m13hatch at gmail dot com

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m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

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m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

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m13hatch at gmail dot com


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m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

i follow you on twitter

m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

i follow silk on twitter

m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

i follow silk on twitter

m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

i follow silk on fb

m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

i follow silk on fb

m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

i voted for you on picket fence blogs

m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

i voted for you on picket fence blogs

m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

i voted for you on picket fence blogs

m13hatch at gmail dot com


Mary said...

i entered your lysol giveaway

m13hatch at gmail dot com

Mary said...

i entered your lazy gourmet giveaway

m13hatch at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would like to try it in my coffee and on cereal instead of milk
beckystr at gmail dot com

Maria T said...

i would change the milk i use for my cereal!

mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

1 gfc followr

mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

2 gfc follower

mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

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fb: maria t
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

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fb: maria t
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

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fb: maria t
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

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tw: mtmomo09
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

2 FFT twitter fan
tw: mtmomo09
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

1 silk twitter fan
tw: mtmomo09
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

one frugal lady said...

I LOVE silk! I recently became lactose intolerant, and thought I would never be able to enjoy awesome things like cereal! Silk is great and the chocolate is awesome too!

Maria T said...

2 silk twitter fan
tw: mtmomo09
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

1 silk fb fan
fb: maria t
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

2 silk fb fan
fb: maria t
mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

1 voted

mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

2 voted

mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Maria T said...

3 voted

mtmomo09 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I like to drink it straight, but I could put it on my cereal.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

2.I follow you on GFC.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

2.I follow them on twitter(donnak4).

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter(donnak4).

Anonymous said...

2.I follow you on twitter(donnak4).

Kristen said...

I would switch my milk in my cereal.

kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com

Kristen said...

GFC follower

kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com


Kristen said...

GFC follower

kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com


Kristen said...

I voted.

kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com


Kristen said...

I voted.

kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com


Kristen said...

I voted.

kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com


Anonymous said...

I'd switch it for the milk I add to my cereal


Anonymous said...

follow you via GFC (Cassie Dow) almostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcom

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