Thursday, July 14, 2016

Enjoy A Delicious Cup Of Morning Coffee With International Delight Simply Pure Coffee Creamer

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #IDSimplyPure #CollectiveBias

I'm definitely a morning person, and so glad I am. I love getting an early start to my day and feeling like I have plenty of time to accomplish what I need to do, and enjoy a little quiet time for myself before the rest of my family wakes up.

I start every morning with a big cup of coffee. I honestly feel like my brain can't function without that first cup. For years I used milk and sugar in my coffee, which was totally fine. But kind of boring.

I'm happy to say that now I get to enjoy a really great tasting cup of coffee because I recently found International Delight Simply Pure Coffee Creamers.

They come in three delicious flavors, Vanilla, Caramel, and Hazelnut. Simply Pure is the perfect everyday creamer, and made with only 5 simple ingredients.

Besides my coffee, another thing that is important to me in the early morning is to look at my vision board. A lot of my friends and family keep saying that they would like to make one, but just never get around to it. I feel like it's definitely worth the time to make one because mine have inspired me to work hard to make my dreams become reality.

I love making vision boards for whatever you want to have happen in your life, whether it's a new job, a new home, or even something like being more in touch with your own feelings.

When I'm fully awake and onto my second cup of coffee, I usually have a little something to eat, sometimes fruit or toast, or even a slice of one of my favorite coffee cakes that I like baking.

Since everyone in my family are coffee lovers, I bought all three flavors of Simply Pure Coffee Creamers at Walmart. Honestly, all of the flavors are yummy, but the Caramel just might be my favorite.

I like that when you use Simply Pure, you don't have to use extra creamer to get great flavor in your coffee. And it's made with real milk, cream, and sugar. Yum!

Have you ever made a vision board? It's super easy, and fun to do.

Start out with some of your favorite magazines, they can be old or new. I like to go to my local library to buy them for only a quarter. The magazines can be of general interest, or more of a theme, like mine are.

Since what I would love to have is a new home, I picked out decorating magazines to cut out pictures and words that have meaning for me.

You just need magazines, a poster board, a glue stick, and scissors. And the ability to let your imagination come out and play.

Just start out cutting pictures that you like or that appeal to you. I had fun finding pictures of pretty rooms and houses. And words like Cottage, Vintage, and Family really spoke to me.

When you have found enough pictures and words, start arranging them on the poster in whatever way looks most appealing to you.

Now glue everything down. Don't worry if things are a little messy, or it's not perfect. Your vision board is only for you, to inspire you and help you dream your dreams.

This is my finished vision board. I was a little surprised that I picked out the picture of the yellow kitchen cabinets because I really thought I only liked white cabinets.

And my board is a little more country-like that I thought it would be. I must like informal country decorating more than I thought. And that's one of the great things about doing a vision board is to bring out your inner thoughts and desires that you normally might not pay much attention to.

If you're like me and love a delicious tasting cup of coffee to get your morning started, Simply Pure Coffee Creamers are for you.

And they're great too for that afternoon cup of coffee that can give a real pickup when the day is long and tiring. For me, coffee is something I always welcome no matter what time of day it is.

Be sure to look for all three flavors of International Delight Simply Pure Coffee Creamers at your local Walmart in the dairy section.

You can also find more Simply Pure inspiration by going here.

Have you ever created a vision board? What would you make your theme or idea for it be? I'd really love to know, so leave me a comment please.

-Post written by Patricia

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

DIY Pinecone Christmas Trees

As a child the magic of Christmas was always in the decorations, especially ones that my brothers and sisters and I had made ourselves. Every year our mother would pull out the decorations we had made over the years and floods of great memories always came to mind.

I set out to do a simple project with my little ones, something easy, fun with instant results. These Pinecone Christmas Trees were perfect for my 3 year old and almost 2 year old.

A few simple supplies: pinecones (from Michaels), sparkles for the ornaments, different string choices for the garland or lights and glue. Honestly a hot glue gun would have been better but they are so young, later as the items start to fall off I will go behind them with the hot glue gun.

Here they are working so hard, Ashley even moved on top of the table for a better angle! I let them do it all by their selves, they always love it when there are no rules during a craft! There was no fuss, no fighting and beautiful results. I can't wait to pull these out of the Christmas tub every year and seeing the same memories come to mind for them.

This was published last year, but I wanted to share it again.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

DIY Pinecone Christmas Trees

As a child the magic of Christmas was always in the decorations, especially ones that my brothers and sisters and I had made ourselves. Every year our mother would pull out the decorations we had made over the years and floods of great memories always came to mind.

I set out to do a simple project with my little ones, something easy, fun with instant results. These Pinecone Christmas Trees were perfect for my 3 year old and almost 2 year old.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Apple Tree Handprint Project

Cover depicting the tree giving away an apple
With Thanksgiving coming up next week we have been talking about giving, sharing and loving your family and friends. A great way for children to relate to this in real life is to read them a story about the subject. That is why we have been reading The Giving Tree , a family favorite. All this reading sparked the Apple Tree project below! I love it when the story continues into real life, it really seems like the children are understanding and absorbing what we are teaching.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Minutes to spare MONSTER HANDS!

Halloween is this week, it always seems to sneak up on us but there is still time to get in those last minute craft ideas with your little ones. Here is a quick and easy Monster Hand Craft you can do in minutes!

All you need is washable paint, paint brushes, paper, googly eyes, a permanent marker and little hands :)


Friday, October 25, 2013

DIY Activity Dice for Kids!

As the days get darker and rainier here in Washington we tend to spend more time inside the house, and the feelings of being cooped up start to set in. I am always on the hunt for frugal and DIY ways to keep ourselves active and entertained, these Activity Dice we made are a fantastic way to get them moving!

Very few supplies are needed. 1-2 "square like" boxes, wrapping paper of some kind, several colors of construction paper, a marker, scissors and tape.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sewing A Fun Fall Apron

Now that fall is officially just a few days away, I really feel like it's time to get in the kitchen and start cooking and baking more.

And of course, that means I need cute aprons to wear. My daughter Samantha is wearing this cute orange and white apron that I recently made.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Green Craft Magazine, Fashionably Green

Have you ever heard of Green Craft Magazine?
Green Craft Magazine provides ideas for repurposing trash to treasure by showcasing projects where waste is repurposed into ecologically chic creations.
The magazine in full of ideas that are simple and sweet.
And to maintain the theme of recycling, the entire publication is printed on recycled paper!
We love simple and chic ways to repurpose anything and everything!
*This is not a sponsored post, just something we wanted to share with our readers.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Top O' the Mornin' to ya!

We love any excuse to celebrate around here and St Patrick's Day is a great excuse! In celebration of the big day boys and I decorated these Leprechaun masks I got for only 50 cents a piece at a craft store.

I just grabbed a few things like markers, bingo dobbers, glue, some clover shaped confetti and let them do their thing!

I assisted Liam a bit on the clover shaped confetti and the glue, he was getting impatient.

My little Leprechauns!! Liam refused to put his mask on his face for a picture, what a stinker!

Happy St. Patty's Day Everyone! 

Hope you eat lots of green food and drink lots of green drinks (we add green food coloring to everything today) and enjoy yourself today!

Oh and don't forget to wear GREEN!!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DIY Owl Snack Jar

I love to put snacks and treats in fun and interesting jars for myself and my kids.

 So I took an empty Owl lotion container, a jar and spray paint and here are the results.

I love how bright and cheerful it turned out and how it looks on my counter top!

Who wants ordinary when you can easily create something like this!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Frugal Friday - printed duct tape

The other day while checking out the dollar section of Target I came across printed duct tape for $1.00. I usually see it for at least $3.99, that role is bigger than the dollar roll I picked up, but the dollar roll was perfect for a little home project. I covered this red chevron L with quite a bit to spare. Nice!!

Here are my supplies: The $1.00 printed duct tape and a cardboard L that I had bought over a year ago at Micheal's. Honestly I can't remember the price but I know I wouldn't have paid more than a few dollars for it.

I cut the chevron tape and made sure to wrap it around the sides and line it up so that the pattern matched all over. It was so simple to do because the duct tape is so strong, it creates great lines.

Here is the finished product on a book shelf in my living room. The whole thing took me less than 10 minutes to complete. This little project was simple and the results are making me so happy!! I have seen these chevron letters upwards of $20.00! I recommend you pick some today, you can cover just about anything in duct tape!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

DIY Personalized Valentine Chalkboards

This year I am on the hunt for fun and different ways to give gifts to my little ones. Along with the candy and treats, I wanted to give them something personal and useful. With both of the boys drawing and learning letters I thought these personalized Valentine chalkboards would be a great idea! Here are the step by step instructions:

Here are my supplies to get started: Clip boards bought at the dollar store, chalk board paint (I already has this from another project), tape, and a sponge brush.

I taped off the top to give the board a nice smooth edge.

I gave the board three coats each, and made sure to let them dry in between each one.

When they were dry I removed the tape to get them ready for the next step. Then to give them a "Valentine flare" I cut a sponge into a heart, grabbed red and purple paint and stamped each board with the same amount of hearts in each boys name.
The hearts at the top also helped to hide the tiny blemishes from where I pulled the tape :)
After they dried I took a white paint marker and wrote the letters of their names inside the hearts. To finish the look I put some chalk and a little eraser (sponge) inside a little bag covered with hearts,then tied it with red ribbon. I love how they came out and can't wait to give these to my boys on Valentines Day!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Preschool Activity

Getting anything done around the house is nearly impossible with my 2 1/2 year old always on my coat tails. I am always trying to think of ways to keep him busy even for just a little while so I can get a few things done without my little shadow. 

The other day while cleaning out some craft supplies I found two bags of brightly colored rice and some equally as bright buttons of all sizes. I thought it would be great to have him sift and sort is way through the buttons and rice. I mixed the bags of rice together added the buttons and set him free. He sorted them by color, shape and size and even taste tested it a bit :)  The buttons were a bit tricky to find in the colored rice so it kept him busy for a while. Not only did it give me a moment to myself but I loved that he was learning through play, my favorite way to teach!!  

I am always looking for ways to keep the kiddos entertained around here. Do you have any tips or tricks to keep your little ones occupied? I would love to hear them.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

DIY Baby Doll Bed Makeover

For Christmas this year I wanted to do a little bit of DIY mixed in with "new" things. I think that there can be beauty in used items if you look hard enough and have the time to fix it up.

Months back while scouring the shelves of the Goodwill I came across this baby bed. Now remember I have a just barely one year old daughter after having two boys so I am always on the hunt for girls stuff!! And all things PINK!!

When I saw it I knew it had to be mine hers. It had a few chips, discoloration and needed some TLC but for $4.99 I knew it would be perfect for her first baby doll bed. It is heavy wood (durable), low to the ground (she is only one) and the hearts on the sides put me over the top!

Here is the bed after I bought it, not so cute huh?

 See the $4.99 price tag! Also see the markings and chipped up paint?

Here is Ashley's sweet baby bed after I gave it some TLC, repainted it white, added some blankets and a bit of ribbon.

These pictures turned out kind of yellow, they were taken at night right before Santa came. (wink wink)


Monday, December 17, 2012

Handmade Christmas - Knitted Coffee Sleeve Cozy

You guys have seen them all around Pinterest and what not right? You know the Knitted Coffee Sleeve Cozies that look so stinkin' cute and make you want to drink coffee or tea 24/7? Or is that just me?

Years ago my Mom, sister and I decided to teach ourselves to knit. We looked it up on line and just like that we were "knitters." Well kind of. We learned the basics and never pursed it much. My Mom does knit scarves on a regular basis and Meg recently learned to crochet. I hadn't done it in years. But after seeing all of the inspiration out there, I decided to pick up my knitting needles and make these beauties!!!


They are super simple, inexpensive and to-die-for cute right? I have been whipping these babies out left and right! I can't lie, I didn't knit the flowers, just the base. I picked those up at a craft store, not too pricey though really. The button I also bought for cheap and hand sewed it on.

I don't know about you but there is something so great about a Handmade gift, giving them and receiving them. So if you are a special women in my life, you may or may not be getting one of these for Christmas this year :)

How about you? Do you do Handmade or Homemade gifts for Christmas?

Weekend In Pictures - Homemade Gingerbread Houses

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