Monday, March 28, 2011

Power Capes Personalized Superhero Cape Review and Giveaway

Living in a house full of boys we are always playing superhero's of some kind and with the boys being home more now that I am out of the corporate world we are always finding ways to use our imaginations. I am trying to be home more and to let the boys just be boys. It seems that most things lead back to some superhero saving the day and JJ thinking he needs to fly around to do so! Power Capes are an awesome addition to our many imagination props! Power Capes makes custom superhero capes and accessories for children. They even have them in adult sizes, you know you want one ;) 

They offer already made capes with a choice of emblem or a solid color, a custom superhero cape or an entire superhero costume. If you order a custom cape there are 3 sizes to chose from, they come in a child 2 all the way up to adult sizes. To start they have tons of options for the main color of the cape, lots of emblems of the center, then you chose the letter you want in the middle of the emblem. As you make your choices and you are literally building the cape to your custom needs. They also give you a preview of what your cape will look like as you build it. Very easy and very fun to create with your child or as a gift to give. We went with the "Superman" style of red cape and blue letter (that's Superman style right) cause he is a character that comes out pretty often around here. My son beamed and squealed when we opened our special delivery and saw it was a superhero cape! He had to put it on right away and we have been in Superhero bliss ever since :) 
Look how serious he takes this Superhero business!

One thing I liked about the company is that they every month they give away their products, so you have a chance to win every time you enter their contest. Another thing I really like is they offer a fund raising opportunity. Here is how it works:

)Donate a Cape Program
With our "Donate a Cape" program people can purchase products on our website and the proceeds will go to help your organization or cause.

2) Cape Kits & Team Spirit Capes Program

Perfect for schools, our Cape Kits and Team Spirit Cape fundraisers are a fun original alternative with GREAT profit margins!

3) Enjoy the benefits of our fund raising programs:

  • We sell all the products and handle all the shipping and logistics!
  • Automated purchases via our website!
  • Fast turnaround times!
  • You get a dedicated page on our website!
  • We market your organization/cause to all of our customers!
  • We match donations: for every 10 capes donated we donate an additional one!
  • We provide help with PR and internet advertising!
Pretty cool huh? It is also pretty cool that the capes are made in the USA and made by Mom's like you and me. Now excuse me, I am off to order another cape for Baby L. He may be tiny but if his brother has one he needs one too :) I also may or may not be checking out the adult sizes after all the family that saves the world together stays together!


For our Moms Leaving the Workforce event Power Capes has generously offered one of our lucky readers the chance to win a their very own kids size "sidekick" custom cape!

To Enter This Giveaway:

Mandatory entry is to Like Power Capes on Facebook or Follow them on Twitter

*Leave a comment telling me your a facebook fan or twitter follower and be sure to leave your email address*

Extra Entries: Can be done after leaving a comment for mandatory entry.

If the extra entry says 1 extra entry leave 1 comment and 2 extra entries leave me 2 comments and so on.

-Follow The Coupon Queen Bee on GFC (right top corner) +3
-Follow The Coupon Queen Bee on Twitter +2
-Like the fan page for TQCB on Facebook +2
-Follow Power Capes on Twitter or Like Power Capes on Facebook (which ever one you didn't do for mandatory entry) +2
-Visit Power Capes and tell me what color and emblem you would pick for your super hero +2
-Enter any of the giveaways during the Moms Leaving the Workforce event +2 for each you have entered.

 -Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link to the post +5

*Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. Giveaway starts March 28 , 2011 and ends on April 8, 2011 at midnight PST.  Winner will be emailed and has 48 hours to respond before another winner is selected. I was not paid for this giveaway or post. I was provided for free the Power Cape pictured in this post for this review. The opinions are 100% mine and may vary from others.


cupcake mama said...

I liked Super capes on Facebook.

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Shiela said...

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Shiela said...

I like the red cape and star emblem


Shiela said...

I would choose the red cape and star emblem -2


Shiela said...

I entered the Build a Dream Playhouses Giveaway - 1


Shiela said...

I entered the Build a Dream Playhouses Giveaway - 2


Michelle said...

following on twitter: blessedquiver.

I LOVE this cape!!!

Anonymous said...

I like Power Capes on Facebook
What a cute product!
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

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Anonymous said...

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momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would pick blue with the shield
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would pick blue with the shield
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Doodles Giveaway
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Doodles Giveaway
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Larry Gets Lost Giveaway
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Larry Gets Lost Giveaway
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Happy Baby giveaway
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Happy Baby giveaway
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the SnackTAXI giveaway
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the SnackTAXI giveaway
momofthe3girls at gmail dot com

Lesli said...

I Like Power Capes on Facebook


littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

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Lesli said...

I follow Power Capes on Twitter. 2

My Twitter ID is @alittleumbrella

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I would pick a bubble gum cape with a crown and letter S 1

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I would pick a bubble gum cape with a crown and letter S 2

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I entered the Bring Back Beatrice 1,108 Baby Names Book Review and Giveaway 1

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I entered the The Chalkboard Tee Review and Giveaway 1

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

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littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I entered the HappyBaby Food Giveaway 1

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I entered the HappyBaby Food Giveaway 2

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I entered the Curly Girl The Handbook Review and Giveaway 1

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

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littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I entered the Larry Gets Lost in Seattle and Seattle ABC Book Review and Giveaway 2

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I entered the ALEX Toys Free App Launch Preview and Toy Giveaway 2

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Lesli said...

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littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

pmj said...

Like Power Capes on Facebook
pjames330 at aol dot com

lewalk said...

Like Power Capes on FB.

Leah W.


lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

I think I would choose the royal blue cape.....


lewalk said...

....with a white lightening bolt. Super cool. Lol.


lewalk said...

Entered Hug a Monkey.


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lewalk said...

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lewalk said...

Entered Little One Books.


lewalk said...

Entered Little One Books.2


lewalk said...

Entered Doodles.


lewalk said...

Entered Doodles.2


lewalk said...

Entered App Launch.


lewalk said...

Entered App Launch.2


lewalk said...

Entered Larry Gets Lost.


lewalk said...

Entered Larry Gets Lost.2


lewalk said...

Entered HIT Entertainment.


lewalk said...

Entered HIT Entertainment 2.


lewalk said...

Entered Little Hands.


lewalk said...

Entered Little Hands.2


lewalk said...

Entered Rock n Learn.2


lewalk said...

Entered Snack TAXI.


lewalk said...

Entered Snack TAXI.2


lewalk said...

Entered Chalkboard Tee.


lewalk said...

Entered Chalkboard Tee.2


Kimberly said...

Like PowerCapes on Facebook (Kimberly C)
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

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kcoud33 at gmail dot com

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Kimberly said...
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Kimberly said...

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kcoud33 at gmail dot com

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Kimberly said...

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kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I'd choose the pink Sidekick cape with a raspberry crown
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I'd choose the pink Sidekick cape with a raspberry crown 2
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

Entered Alex Toys App Launch giveaway
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

Entered Alex Toys App Launch giveaway 2
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

Entered Alex Toys Clay Pictures giveaway
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

Entered Alex Toys Clay Pictures giveaway 2
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

Entered Crafty Mama giveaway
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

Entered Crafty Mama giveaway 2
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

AmberFaith said...

I like Power Capes on FB.
Amber Faith Pilcher

AmberFaith said...

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AmberFaith said...

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GFC follower under AmberFaith

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AmberFaith said...

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Amber Faith Pilcher

AmberFaith said...

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AmberFaith said...

I follow Power Capes on Twitter

AmberFaith said...

I would pick bubblegum and heart!

AmberFaith said...

I would pick bubblegum and heart!

AmberFaith said...

Entered: Alex Toys

AmberFaith said...

Entered: Alex Toys

AmberFaith said...

Entered: Happy Baby Food

AmberFaith said...

Entered: Happy Baby Food

erin.nicole said...

I follow Power Capes on twitter-@bradywadie14

Dana West Young said...

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Dana West

Dana West Young said...

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Dana West

Dana West Young said...

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Dana West

Dana West Young said...

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Dana West

Dana West Young said...

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Dana West Young said...

I follow Power Capes on Twitter

Dana West Young said...

I would choose a red cape with a yellow lightning bolt!

Dana West Young said...

I would choose a red cape with a yellow lightning bolt!

Dana West Young said...

I entered the Chalkboard Tee giveaway!

Dana West Young said...

I entered the Chalkboard Tee giveaway!

Dana West Young said...

I entered the Conair giveaway

Dana West Young said...

I entered the Conair giveaway

Deanna said...

follow power capes on twitter @
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

entered alpha tots giveaway #1
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

entered alpha tots giveaway #2
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

PowerCapes facebook fan

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

TCQB twitter follower @SliverStorm #1

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

TCQB twitter follower @SliverStorm #2

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

liked TCQB on facebook #1

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

liked TCQB on facebook #2

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

follow powercapes on twitter @SliverStorm #1

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

follow powercapes on twitter @SliverStorm #2

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

following TCQB on GFC, shows as JMC #1

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

following TCQB on GFC, shows as JMC #2

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

following TCQB on GFC, shows as JMC #3

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would choose a blue emblem for my son #1

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would choose a blue emblem for my son #2

j.mcdilda at gmail dot com

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