With Thanksgiving coming up next week we have been talking about giving, sharing and loving your family and friends. A great way for children to relate to this in real life is to read them a story about the subject. That is why we have been reading The Giving Tree , a family favorite. All this reading sparked the Apple Tree project below! I love it when the story continues into real life, it really seems like the children are understanding and absorbing what we are teaching.
The children painted their hands (with my help), then stamped them on the paper. They used Q-tips (and their fingers) to make the apples on the tree. Once they were done with the apples we started on the leaves. The leaves on the tree got a little tricky and after a few attempts I just make some fluffy "cloud like" trees around the apples. I thought it looked a little better :) It's up to you or your child how the finished tree should look, my children are so young they didn't seem to mind me finishing up.
This project was so simple and fun, it kept us talking about the beauty of sharing, love and life. After all isn't that what the holidays are all about?

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