By Patricia
This month's Champions for Kids Simple Service Project is all about providing personal care items for children in need. Champions for Kids has teamed up with Dial Soap in the month of October to encourage donations of these very important items that children need to be and stay healthy.
I went to my local Walmart to purchase items to donate to my favorite place that helps those in need, the Kingston Food Bank. I bought lots of Dial hand soap and Dial bar soap for donation.
Did you know that Dial Complete is the #1 Doctor Recommended antibacterial hand wash? According to the Centers for Disease control, 80% of infectious diseases are spread through hand contact. You can go here and find out how to teach your children the importance of regular hand washing, and the best way to do it effectively.
I decided to make some personal care kits to donate for kids. I was also asking friends and family for their own donations to my project. For the care kits, I included Dial Soaps, kids shampoo/conditioner, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and fun nylon scrubs.
Low income families that receive food stamps are not allowed to use them to buy any personal care products, and some families struggle to obtain them on a regular basis. #DialCFK
My grandson helped me put together my care kits. We wrapped them in cellophane and a bow so that they would look cheerful and make the child that receives them will feel like they are getting a gift.
My grandson has helped me on Simple Service Projects before, and I am so happy that he understands that when he is helping me, he is really helping other children.
I chose to make my donation to the Kingston Food Bank. It is run with love and devotion by Barb Felton,
whose own parents started the food bank over 50 years ago. I love donating here, and knowing my donations are always needed, and put to good use right here in the community.
Here we are making our donation of care kits to the food bank. Barb and her volunteers distribute much more than food. Household items, clothing, baby clothes, diapers and more are available. I am happy my donation will be able to be given to kids that really need them.
You can Dial into Giving and help the children in your community by getting involved in the October Champions for Kids Simple Service Project. Simply gather donations from family, friends, or co-workers and donate them to a charity that benefits children. You can be one of millions to help Champions for Kids meet their goal of helping 20 million people by 2020.
To learn more about Champions for kids and how you can get involved in Simple Service Projects, go to their website Champions For Kids. You can read my Google+ story about my shopping trip to Walmart for Dial Soap products for ideas for your donation.
You can learn more about Champions for Kids and Dial by following them online:
Champions for Kids Twitter
Champions for Kids Facebook
Dial on Facebook
Dial on Twitter
You can learn more about Champions for Kids and Dial by following them online:
Champions for Kids Twitter
Champions for Kids Facebook
Dial on Facebook
Dial on Twitter
am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This
shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Dial Soaps #DialCFK #CBias #SocialFabric
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