Ever wonder how our parents did not get lost on road trips? Without cell phones and navigation it seems perhaps some of those long drives or off the path stops were not adventures but an attempt to find our way to our destination lol. My sister and I drove one summer from Sacramento to Seattle in her purple Kia and had a blast. Thankfully it was simple to get there but we did have trouble late one night finding a gas station. This was before google maps and cell phones being easy to use so we did wonder a bit off strange roads looking for one. But no more of that! This summer Sam and her family will be making the reverse trip, this time from Seattle to Sacramento. With a navigation system they will have no problem finding a gas station, a hotel and their way to my house. They already have a navigation system so we have decide to offer our readers the chance to win one for their vehicle.
The OnStar For My Vehicle Mirror FMV has built in connectivity and GPS technologies, OnStar FMV gives you all the safety and security of OnStar including a direct link to Live Advisors and the ability to detect and send help to your exact location in the event of an accident.
The OnStar For My Vehicle Mirror FMV has built in connectivity and GPS technologies, OnStar FMV gives you all the safety and security of OnStar including a direct link to Live Advisors and the ability to detect and send help to your exact location in the event of an accident.
Key features:
· Automatic Crash Response.
An accelerometer built into OnStar the mirror detects the sudden shock
of an impact from the front, side, or rear of the vehicle and
automatically calls an OnStar advisor. If the driver doesn’t respond, or
responds to say there has been a crash, an OnStar advisor will direct
emergency responders to the exact GPS location of the vehicle. · Link to Emergency Services. By pressing OnStar’s red emergency button, drivers are immediately connected to a specially trained emergency advisor for assistance in situations occurring inside or outside of their vehicle.
· Stolen Vehicle Location Assistance. If the vehicle is reported stolen to local law enforcement, OnStar subscribers can call 1-888-4-OnStar (1-888-466-7827) from any phone. OnStar advisors, available 24/7, can attempt to locate the vehicle through the mirror’s internal GPS and provide the location to law enforcement.
· Turn-by-Turn Navigation. With OnStar’s most popular service, drivers can press OnStar’s blue button and ask OnStar advisors for directions to a specific location or ask the advisor to find a point of interest such as a gas station or nearby restaurant.
One reader will win a OnStar FMV Mirror and the sponsor will also be provided the winner 3 months of Directions and Connections service as well as a Best Buy gift card to have the FMV professionally installed.
To Enter This Giveaway: (mandatory entry before extra entries)
Where would you like to take a driving Road Trip to?
*Leave a comment answering the question and be sure to leave your email address if its not public in your Google account*
Extra Entries: Can be done after leaving a comment for mandatory
entry. If the extra entry says 1 extra
entry leave 1 comment and 2 extra entries
leave me 2 comments and so on.
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#Win a OnStar FMV from @OnStar at @FrugalFamTree #Giveaway ends 7/30
dlatany at gmail dot com
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I'd like to take a road trip this winter to Tennessee, somewhere in the mountains
Following you via google+ as Stacey Bic
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tweet 7/11 https://twitter.com/StaceyRenee711/status/223248294493691904
I'd like to explore new sites in Pittsburgh,find some neat shops, nice restaurants, etc
angiewith3 at live dot com
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7/18 tweet https://twitter.com/StaceyRenee711/status/225784461906817024
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daily tweet: https://twitter.com/angiewith3/status/226826696110780416
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I'd like to drive across the US.
jsapalio at yahoo dot com
I follow onstar on twitter as @jsapalio.
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7/23 https://twitter.com/StaceyRenee711/status/227571961453215746
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angiewith3 at live dot com
daily tweet: https://twitter.com/angiewith3/status/228323147441647618
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I'd love to take a trip to Colorado
aigcanada7 [at] hot[mail] dot} (com))
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Tweeted 7/26 https://twitter.com/StaceyRenee711/status/228648891631951872
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