Obviously none of us are idoits I mean you found my awesome site right lol. But I do have to say the guides made by "The Complete Idiot's" line can be helpful. After all when you say I know nothing is when you can learn everything! I have read a few of the guides a few years back and they do really make it simple to understand the basics for a topic you are new to.
For the Moms Who Mow event I was given the opportunity to giveaway 2 sets of books that include 3 Gardening Books by The Complete Idiots Guide.
The 3 books are:
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Year-Round Gardening
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Year-Round Gardening |
I found a few more I would love to have such as the Drawing People guide, (all I can manage is stick people) and the Preserving Foods guide (that would be helpful for when I find fresh fruits and veggies on a great deal, it would be very Frugal of me!)
To Enter This Giveaway:
Visit the Complete Idiots Guide site and tell me another book you would like to have.
*Leave a comment answering the question and be sure to leave your email address*
Extra Entries: Can be done after leaving a comment for mandatory entry. If the extra entry says 1 extra entry leave 1 comment and 2 extra entries leave me 2 comments and so on.
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-Book I would like: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Building and Remodeling
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