For many years now I have enjoyed making the little things in life more pleasant. I believe that it's the small everyday moments that make up a happy life, not the big, hoped for events that don't come around very often. And that kind of thinking especially applies to our homes, and how we look upon keeping them clean and fresh.
I've been using Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® for a longtime now, and I love being able to use products that are natural, hard working, and great smelling to help my home sparkle. I have found that using Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® can make even ordinary and routine tasks enjoyable.
Since my home includes children and pets, it's especially important to me that I don't expose us all to the harsh chemicals that are found in so many cleaning products that are on the market. Safe, natural, and a pleasant fragrance is what I look for in my household cleaners. I really do find that I clean more now that I use Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® because I know I don't have to endure the toxic fumes that my old cleaners contained.
I love how so many of the old ways of being a homemaker are being rediscovered. Cooking, gardening, and sewing are becoming more and more popular as people discover just how satisfying and fun they can be. This also includes the art of taking care of our homes, the place where all of this living and doing goes on. Keeping a clean and tidy house really just makes life happier and easier for everyone.
I love to cook and bake, and it's important to me to have a clean and fresh smelling kitchen. Not using harsh chemical cleaners on my dishes, or cooking and prep surfaces makes me feel really good.
I'm the kind of cook who likes to clean as I go, it's no fun at all to have a huge mess of bowls and pots just as you're about to enjoy what you've spent your time cooking.
I use Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® Lavender Dish Soap for hand washing my dishes. It's made with natural essential oils, and Soap Bark Extract, an ingredient from the garden that is one of nature's best degreasers.
Since I use mainly white dishes and white baking dishes, I love seeing them so clean and shiny.
There are times though when one of my kids will cook dinner and cleanup requires something a little bit stronger. It's great that they enjoy cooking, but even better when they do the dishes afterwards.
So I just hand them Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® Lemon Verbena Surface Scrub to tackle the mess. The lemon verbena has a wonderful light, mild citrus scent, but tackles all the hard messes with ease. It can be used for many surfaces in the kitchen and the bathroom, but I use it all the time for these baked on casserole dish disasters.
As much as I cook, dirty dishes are just a fact of life. But there's something very calming about going to bed knowing that all the dishes are clean, and the kitchen is tidy. I've gotten into the routine of doing this, and it really does help to keep up with the little things everyday so that they don't become overwhelming. I think cleaning is so much easier when it's done a little everyday and lets us appreciate all the wonderful comforts of our homes.
Honestly, cleaning the bathroom is my least favorite thing to clean. That's why I clean it often. When I don't let the dirt and grime build up, it doesn't become a burden that I want to ignore. I like a clean and fresh bathroom, and want it to be nice for my family and guests.
I keep Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® Lemon Verbena Hand Soap in the bathroom for hand washing. It contains aloe vera gel, olive oil and a unique blend of natural essential oils and plant derived ingredients to create a hard working, yet gentle scented soap.
All of Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® cleaners are made with natural essential oils, are phosphate free, and are never tested on animals. So you can be assured that no matter what cleaner you use, it's safe for you, your home, and family.
Since I use Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® Lemon Verbena Multi Surface Everyday Cleaner literally every day, this means a lot to me. I so appreciate using a cleaner that doesn't make me feel lightheaded and dizzy after I've used it to clean the bathroom. That used to be the case, and now that I have cleaners that are actually pleasant to use, cleaning is no longer a burden. Now it's something that makes me happy to do so that I can have a nice clean house.
Fred Meyer is one of my favorite stores, and they offer a very extensive line of Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® cleaners.
When I first heard of these natural cleaners, I thought I would find them in the aisle with all of the other name brand cleaning products. It just made sense to me at the time, that all cleaners would be grouped together.
But when I asked about them, I was shown where they are in Fred Meyer's Natural Choices section of the store. I thought this was a great way to show customers that they are different, not at all like the ones that contain harsh and harmful ingredients.
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® offers many different kinds of useful household cleaners, including everything you need for doing laundry.
Since sewing is one of my favorite hobbies, I've made myself some pretty aprons to wear when I'm cleaning. There's something about putting on my apron that makes me feel good, and lets me appreciate that I was taught to sew when I was a young girl.
My mother also wore an apron all the time, and it brings back a lot happy memories of helping her to bake in the kitchen.
My youngest daughter is moving into a new apartment, so I thought that a basket of cleaning goodies would be appreciated. She is very into natural products, and she has already discovered Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® and loves it, so I thought this would be a great gift for her.
Do you have someone that could use a gift of cleaning supplies? It could be for a house warming present, new parents, or someone you know that is moving into a new place. I can think of a few times when I really could have used a gift like this myself. It's very easy to put together, and you can include whatever you think the recipient could really use.
The first thing I did was gather together some sponges and scrubbers. They are a must for kitchens and bathrooms. You can never have too many. I also included some plain white dish towels which can be used for so much more than drying dishes. And I bought a couple of dish rags for washing dishes.
I bought an inexpensive container to put everything in so that the cleaning supplies could be kept together. I wanted a cleaning caddy actually, but the only ones I could find were too small. A big enough container encourages us to keep all our cleaners together, and lets us get the job done faster.
I also bought a dustpan and two different types of cleaning brushes.
I started layering in the products, starting with the dustpan in the back of the basket. Then I layered the white dishtowels. Next I put in the Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® cleaners. You could easily use only laundry detergents and products to make a great laundry basket gift too. What a great gift for a college student living away from home. Next I tucked in the sponges, scrubbers, and cleaning brushes.
Since I wanted it to look festive, I covered it with cellophane wrap. You can find this inexpensively at lots of stores. If you haven't covered anything with cellophane before, it can be a bit of a challenge.
Cut a piece long enough to cover the basket, with plenty of extra at the top. Make sure the ends are even at the top, then gather them together. Use tape to secure. Top this with a bow if you like.
It's a great present that I know will be appreciated by anyone who receives it. And it's a wonderful way to introduce Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® cleaners to someone you care about.
April is Earth Month, and it's an important time for all of us to reflect on just how we are treating our planet. We only have one earth, and we have a responsibility to take care of it as best we can.
By using natural and safe products like Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day®, we will leave a better and healthier planet for future generations.
How do keep your home clean and fresh? Do you use natural cleaners, and how do you like them?
Leave me a comment, I would love to hear what you think. You can find out more about Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day® cleaners on Instagram and Twitter.

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