I know many kids all around the country have already started school. Here in Washington State, we still have another week to wait, and the excitement is really running high with anticipation around our house. Like most parents and grandparents, we want to help our school function at it's best in every way we can. So we are very excited to be participating in the Campbell's Labels for Education program, where you just clip and save the UPC labels from thousands of participating products you buy everyday, and give them to your school to redeem for free merchandise.
There are soups, cereals, cookies, dairy products, beverages, school supplies and so many more that all carry the Labels for Education emblem that will help earn points for your child's school, or the school of your choice.
My family and I already buy many of these products on a weekly basis, so it really makes it easy to participate in this program and help us give to my grandson Jayden's school. It's very simple to find out if your school participates in the program, or a school in your district, on the programs website.
Jayden is thrilled to be entering second grade this year, and I'm finding it a little bit surprising that I'm the grandmother of a seven year old. It seems like only yesterday that he was a baby. The time has flown by, but I am so proud of this smart little guy.
Like most schools around the country, Jayden's school has budget challenges, and has needs that have to go unmet because of lack of funding.
By participating in the Labels for Education program, his school has the opportunity to get some of those needed items for free.
All you have to do is clip the labels and give them to your school. It's really easy, and we have a box that we toss them into and give to the school once a month. It's even kind of funny, because now Jayden will pick up a package or can and look for the Labels for Education to help out his school. He caught onto this very quickly, and feels great about finding the labels.
We have a large family, so I've recently asked everyone to clip and save their labels. The list of participating products is over 2,500, so there should be a good amount of labels coming my way every month from family members.
My town has a brand new Safeway, that I just love, and can't seem to stay away from. They have a great selection of so many items, many with the Labels for Education, including my favorite cookies. I love that I can eat cookies for a good cause!!
For my weekly shopping trip, I printed out some great money-saving coupons from the Labels for Education website. These are coupons for items that my family and I use all the time, and also lets us donate more labels to our school.
Since I live with my daughter and her family, which includes three of my grandchildren, we have a big grocery bill every week. So it's really great when I can use coupons to help save us money.
Campbell's soups has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. One of my favorite memories as a kindergartener was coming home at lunchtime to a cup of Campbell's soup and a grilled cheese sandwich that my Mom had made for me.
My grandchildren are soup lovers too, so we buy a lot of Campbell's soup. And now all the kids love finding the labels and helping me put them in the box to donate and help our school.
And there's another way we can help out our schools, one which I love, because I love sweepstakes.
Just enter your school in the Labels for Education $ 1 Million Sweepstakes. 1000 schools will win $1000. Wouldn't that be great for your school?
When I was at Safeway, I also picked up some much needed pens for myself. On the back of these packages, I found the Labels for Education emblems to clip and donate, plus all the Bic pens were 30% off. Doing good and saving money, yay!!
When my own children were growing up, the schools they attended were very important to me. And now that I am a grandmother, I want my grandchildren to be in good schools, too.
So any way that we can help out our school to be it's best, I'm happy to participate in. The Campbell's Labels for Education program is such an easy way to help, by clipping and donating labels from products that my family and I already buy.
Would you like to find out more about this great program? Visit the Labels for Education website for more information, and to enter the $1 Million Sweepstakes.

1 comment
Your grandson is such a handsome fellow! I love that he searches for the labels when he's at the store -- I should really start doing that with my daughter. I know she would have great fun doing that. :) #client
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