The day you realize you need to make healthier choices for your family can be a liberating one. After doing a funny post on the giant tub of cheese balls my husband bought our son while I was at work I had a mini melt down after realizing, really thats what we are eating. That night I threw out over $50 of junk food that was in the house. Then cried that that money was hard earned. Its crazy feeling to realize that we eat junk just because we are so busy. Its no longer my excuse that we can't be healthier just because we are busy.
My Mom has told me about Healthy Choice Top Chef Meals and Healthy Choice Greek Frozen Yogurt since she has made many lifestyle changes to live a happier healthy life. She knows I can be a picky eater and how busy I am so I would enjoy them. When she mentioned there was also a $1 off coupon that I could print and take with me, I was sold! I am a money saving Mom and I do enjoy trying new foods.
I ran to Kinkos to print my coupons (my ink was out but for $1 off each on the 8 items I planned to buy it was worth the extra trip). Then I headed to Walmart to shop for the Healthy Choice food and pick up a few other items I need. There is a coupon you can print for your shopping trip on my blog side bar.
The Healthy Choice Top Chef Crustless Pot Pie taste wonderful! |
One of the first items I noticed in the Healthy Choice Top Chef line was the one that said Winner on it. Its a Crustless Chicken Pot Pie. I have loved pot pie since I was a little kid and really wanted to try this one. I saw several other entrees I wanted to try included Italian inspired food. I am often finding myself popping in the microwave a fattening and quick bite to eat on the way to work or fast food while at work. These choices are not making me happy. I want to eat food that taste great and is a healthier choice for my busy life.
Living a healthy life not only includes eating affordable healthy meals but it also means have a happy positive attitude. I have my own personal slogan that I tell myself all the time, "P for Positive". Anytime I feel flustered or something arises that can be seen as negative I look for any part of it that can be seen as positive. I have this little Bee card hanging in my office and on my phone. I look at it as a reminder that a mind set can be the center of a healthy life.
Other ways I make lifestyle choices to be healthy and positive is gardening. Being outside and growing food we can eat is very rewarding. It is not an instant thing but one that takes time and care. My son loves to help water the plants and pick the produce when its ready. This year we moved from a big house with a yard and garden beds to a condo with a tiny patio. We did not let this bring us down but we looked at it as an opportunity to learn about container gardening and concentrate on a few plants rather than many.
Since I am so busy working all the time I am not the type of person who will go to the gym on my days off. I feel like those days I need to spend with my son having fun. If I do some stretching and light strength training at home my son can be there on his mat mimicking me and having fun. He does the cutest little sit ups! I am not on a path of lose a bunch of weight really fast but a path to make healthier choices to live a healthier lifestyle.
My son of course had to try what he assumed was ice cream. He loved the raspberry and strawberry flavors of the Greek Frozen Yogurt. In my free time I like to stay active with my son by doing outdoor activities. We live in CA and there is plenty of sunny days to spend outside. I bought a frisbee and a kite to take to the park on my next day off to run around and have fun with. When my family is included in my healthy choices it makes me happier, and a happy Mom is always a good thing!
I now have better choices of food in my freezer and cupboards. I do not feel overwhelmed with junk and needing to throw everything away. Sometimes just tossing the unhealthy stuff and realizing you made the choice to bring the junk food in will help you realize to bring better choices in next time. Living a healthy life is all about the choices big and small we make each day. #HealthyChoices
You can read my Google+ story about my trip to Walmart to buy items that help me make healthy choices.
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and ConAgra Foods #cbias #SocialFabric
All opinions expressed in this post are my own.
I just bought these for hubby! He loves them and said it was a great energy boost after a long shift at work. Also I priced matched and got them for $2.00 each!!!
Thats a great deal! The Greek Yogurts are really good.
YUM! that looks so amazing!
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