Saturday, June 2, 2012

Toddler Conversations

While I was at Target looking for summer clothing for my son I overheard a funny conversation between a grandma and her grand daughter who looked about the same age as my son, a toddler.

Grandma: " Does your ear hurt or does your ear itch?"
Toddler: "No"
Grandma: "What do you mean No?

Grandma: " Does your ear hurt or does your ear itch?"
Toddler: "No"
Grandma: "I dont understand you"

After this goes back and forth for a few minutes.

Then Grandma sighs and says: "Oh Ok!" "Does your ear hurt?"
Toddler: "No"
Grandma: "Does your ear itch?"
Toddler claps and squeals: "YES!"

Then the Grandma itched her ear for her. This made me laugh!! When talking with my son I go through the same thing. I have to remember he is just a little guy and I need to ask him one question at a time. He understands when I ask him one or the other just does not yet have the way to tell me which question of the two is his answer for. Asking him one thing at a time makes it easier on the both of us. Oddly this also works for my husband too. So many times I say this or that and I get "Yes". Then I say yes to which one. This annoys me to no end! lol So now I keep it simple for everyone and keep it to a toddler level conversation.

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