Thursday, October 13, 2011

Smart & Final and Real California Milk Contest for Southern CA Schools #SmartFinalSupportsSoCalSchools #CBias

We love Smart & Final in my home. Its a great store that you can save on food, household items and even diapers without having to pay a membership fee. Another reason I love shopping at Smart & Final is the First Street brand. One of my favorite products they make is ice cream. For one it taste great but one of the main reasons I like it is because its made with Real California Milk. As a Californian I love to buy the items that promote the use of milk from my state. 
This month launches the Real California Milk seal contest for Southern California schools so I am even more proud to purchase items from Smart & Final that carry the Real California Milk seal. Smart & Final and the California Milk Board are supporting Southern California schools with a contest. You can read more details about the contest on the Scholastic website.

Smart & Final has partnered with the California Milk Board to award Southern California* elementary classrooms, schools and students with up to $2 million in cash, books and other prizes. There are thousands of chances to win — just for collecting Real California Milk seals from the milk and dairy products you buy. *Participating elementary schools in Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.

The prizes for schools collecting the Real California Milk seals are:

Besides counting as an entry for exciting sweepstakes prizes, a schools first valid entry earns one FREE Scholastic book. Books will be awarded to the first 50,000 entrants.
After your schools first entry, every set of 100 valid seals submitted earns 25 additional FREE Scholastic books or a $25 school supplies gift card. Please indicate on your information card which prize you would like to receive. See official rules for details and restrictions

The California Milk Advisory Board is going to announce winners in February, BUT Smart & Final is so awesome that they're doing a separate sweepstakes! 
Entrants who go to and tell why their Southern Californa school should win will be entered to win $500, $300 or $200 to be donate to the school of their choice EVERY MONTH!

For Southern California school teachers here is some more info on where to send you Real California Milk seals to be entered in this awesome contest. If you are a parent living in the participating schools area you can let your child's teacher know about this contest and help your child's class win! The kids will drink more milk products and will have a chance to win great stuff. I think its a win-win way to get more milk!

As a kid I went to school in Southern California I want to help give back to schools in that area. Since I now live in Northern California and no schools here participate I will be and want to encourage other central and northern California families to send your seals to a school that is participating. We will be helping schools and supporting California by purchasing products made right here in our state.

So remember when you are shopping for milk products in California at Smart & Final be sure to look for the Real California Milk seals. They are on milk, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream and many great varieties of First Street ice cream. Including one of my favorites Moose Tracks.

To celebrate this exciting Real California Milk seal contest my son and I had so yummy Real California Milk Shakes! A great excuse to have a yummy treat!

You can find Smart & Final on Facebook and on twitter @SmartFinal . You can help support the contest by searching the hashtag #SmartFinalSupportsSoCalSchools and retweeting the tweets.

*This post has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias
#CBias The opinions in this post are 100% mine and may vary from others.


Unknown said...

I love homemade milkshakes!

Amy @ Dealusional said...

I think it's awesome that you are helping, even though you're not in the area!

Karen said...

Great campaign and the milkshake looks fantastic!

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