Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Moms Leaving the Workforce Event Summary
This months theme is Mom's Leaving the Workforce, this is so exciting for us and I want to explain why. I am a new SAHM of 2 young boys, 4 year old JJ and 8 month old Baby L. I have just recently become a member of this wonderful "club" of women and can't wait build relationships with not only my sons but with other women and mothers. I had been working out of the house at my job with the Government for over 7 years and just recently made the decision to stay at home with my babies. This has been a decision a long time in the making and it has not been easy (financial) to come to this decision but it has been the greatest decision I have made in a long time.
When I had my first born I thought I would just go back to work and everything would be back to normal, I now know that I was in denial. I did not prepare our family financially for me to be able to stay home, so I had to go back to work. I was an emotional mess and could not imagine going back to work and leaving my baby. I took my 3 months maternity leave and attempted to go back to work, when that didn't work I took off another few months and eased my way in part time eventually returning full time. My son stayed with my mother in law while I worked and at the time it was the best thing for us. When JJ turned 2 my mother in law was not a full time option anymore so he went into childcare. It is one of the hardest things we have ever done, my mother and my husband's mother were both SAHM's so we had zero experience with childcare facilities. JJ was 2 and loved the interaction with other children, he was pretty happy to be around his peers. My Mom guilt was in full swing, but I did what I had to do.
So this went on for another year and a half until we had Baby L. We took JJ out of childcare while I was on maternity leave and again fooled myself into thinking that I would just go back to work. But seriously what is wrong with me that I thought everything would work out this time? I thought, heck he is my second son I have done this all before right? Wrong again. After Baby L was in childcare for less than a month we came to the conclusion that my place was at home with these precious creatures. We looked over our finances and realized that if we really cut back our spending, paid off a few bills and truly focused on our end goal we could afford for me to stay home.
Once the decision was made everything changed. The stress in the house of always having to go go go and always having to be someplace and always feeling like I am never doing anything 100% has diminished. Now we have different stresses but unlike before when I was working 10-12 hour days, we can get through them together. I know that our lifestyle is changing already and sometimes it is hard. We don't go out to eat like we used to, I am always on the look out for things to do that are free or cheap and we had to cut back on the small luxuries in life but it is worth it. To see my boys get to wake up past 5:30 am, to make them breakfast lunch and dinner, to see them smile and play with each other is all worth it. I know that there are good days and bad days and that it is not always easy. I know that there are days when everyone wishes they could go to work or get away, but I have been on the other side and it is not easier or better.
I know this is what I was meant to be, a full time Mom. I truly believe that being a stay at home mom is the hardest yet the most rewarding job in the world. I am working daily on finding deals, cheap or free fun for the boys, and anyway to save a buck. Tune in for some great crafts, projects and fun things to do with your kids...
For reviews and giveaways for this event click here.
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Trust me, you made a very wise decision and one that you will never regret. I have been a SAHM to my two children (now 20..she is special needs, and 17...teen son) and even as they got older, they still needed to have me around. Their needs may have changed as they grew older, but boy! Once they hit those teen years, they really needed someone at home, especially after school. I sometimes feel as if I am the SAHM Mom Counselor for my kids and their friends!
God will truly bless you and your family for this wise decision that you and your hubby have made. :)
Congratulations! That's a hard change to make but so important. Your kids will one day thank you for that sacrifice you made on their behalf. I am daily grateful to my mom for raising us full time.
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