For school my son has been learning about the past. We have learned about the clothing, the tools, transportation and the way of life for people that lived in the past. Being a huge history lover myself it has been a joy to teach him about different time periods of history. To make his history lesson come alive we decided to take him to the Renaissance Festival in Folsom CA. We have been a few times before he was born and my husband took him a few years ago. This was the first time we went as a family and with the idea to learn as we had a good time.
My son met characters galore! He chatted with a knight, some lords and ladies and even met Queen Elizabeth and learned how to remove his hat to bow.
It is a very interactive festival where kids and adults can see animals, dancing, story time and the food was amazing. You can still attend if you are in the Northern CA area since today Sunday Oct. 18th is the final day they are in town.

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