To celebrate our 14 year wedding anniversary my family and I decided to take a day trip to Apple Hill CA. My husband and I had not been there for over 10 years and it was well over due. This was our son's first trip up there and he loved it.
We only had a few hours for our trip so we selected one farm/ranch of the many in Apple Hill to visit, High Hill Ranch. I selected this place since it was one my husband and I visited many years ago and there is a cute fishing pond there.
When we arrived we could smell all the delicious apples and cinnamon in the air. Its beautiful up in the mountains with huge evergreen trees among the apple orchards. Fall is in full effect in Apple Hill!
We fished for a while, did not catch anything but just relaxing by the water spending time as a family together was priceless. We walked around looking at the craft booths and eateries. We decided on getting Apple Donuts, a specialty at High Hill. The funny part was when we were looking for the donuts to buy we wandered a bit then realized we were being followed by many more people following the aroma of the sweet treats. We were first to the counter and when we turned around there were literally 15 to 20 people in line behind us in a matter of moments. The treats were reasonably priced and we were able to enjoy them on the picnic tables near the pond.
There is an area the kids could play in among hay stacks and other fall themed stuff along with grassy areas among the big trees. It was a perfect place to spend our anniversary with our son.
We would have stayed longer but we had a funny not so funny moment on the way driving up. About 40 minutes into our drive my husband looked over at me and asked, "Did you turn off the oven?" I kinda flipped out and said " Are you joking right now?!?!" We went back and forth a bit about who should have done it and turns out it was kinda on me. I was on edge of tears and wanting to go back home when we saw the Apple Hill next exits signs. My husband being the practical one reminded me he cleans the oven all the time, there is nothing in there and a few hours it on would be like Thanksgiving turkey time and we would be okay if we hurried. I agreed and we had fun but with a hurry up a bit on our minds. When we got home my husband rushed inside to see if it was on, turns out it was off! He smiled and said "Happy Anniversary".

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