I love shopping for gifts and Christmas is a wonderful time to shop for your friends and family. There is so much joy in gift giving. First the excitement of searching either in the store or on line for the perfect gift, then wrapping it and finally presenting the gift to them. Watching someone unwrap the "perfect gift" is so much fun. Seeing their eyes light up, the smile that comes across their face is priceless. In my family gift giving varies over the years. It seems as our family grows more and more drawing names for gift giving is the best way to go. Every year on Thanksgiving, when we are all together to celebrate and being thankful for the things in our lives, we put all of our names in a bowl and everyone gets to draw a name out of the "hat". Included on the paper is three of your top choices for gifts. It gives whomever drew your name an idea of what to get you! It works out great and everyone gets a really great gift. It is a win win!
Sometimes finding that perfect gift can be tough. Especially shopping for kids these days! There are so many ideas for Christmas toys out there that narrowing it down can be tough. Not to mention with all of the electronic gifts that kids want, deciding what the best one for their age and level is it can be overwhelming. I have found that checking and comparing prices on line is a great way to go. For me a sale, great deal and customer service are very important factors. When I buy something not only do I want the person who is receiving the gift to love it, I want to know that I got the best price at the time.
My boys are 6 and 2.5, electronics are already on their list of wants. My 6 year old wants a Nintendo DS and my 2.5 year old wants whatever his brother wants. I am looking for something age appropriate for him but still in a handheld fashion, so he feels like he is getting the same thing as his older brother. Whether you are looking for a Nintendo game system, a Furby, Barbies, or a fun board game on that special someones Christmas list I suggest you narrow it down and hurry because Christmas is right around the corner!!
*This post is brought to you by Tesco. All opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
1 comment
The little are surely interested in the electronics I got the older two a leappad 2 because I feel iota a great educational compromise rather than a gaming system. My tween sister I went all out for I saw an amazing sale so I got her a nikon d3000 because she's been into photography this past year. I'm so excited for Christmas Day cannot wait! I love your name draw idea with your top picks written on them
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