Sunday, October 28, 2012

iD Stride Gum Funny Bald Eagle Commercial #idgum

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, iD GUM.

I laughed so much when I saw this commercial over the weekend on tv. I dont know what it is about a Bald Eagle in a Wig but it sure made me giggle! When my son was an infant I would put wigs on him too just to be silly, maybe that why its so funny on a bald eagle too since they both are so cute and bald! 

I have been enjoying the iD Gum all week at work. Its great for after lunch and on my breaks to freshen my breath to go back to work. I love the minty fresh feeling it leaves well after your done with the gum. The little packs that the gum come in are great. They stay shut, are super thin to stick in a pocket or purse and have little art on them. I have had people comment on a few of the cases.

id gum, kinda
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, iD GUM.

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*This is a sponsored post from our friends at iD GUM.


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