Thursday, May 26, 2011

We needed a Date Night...

When you become a parent you forget what your life was like before you had children. You cannot imagine how you filled your time when you weren't changing diapers or rocking a baby to sleep. After you come out of the fog you realize you did do things, just different things.

My husband and I were married for 6 years before our 1st son was born. We went out on dates, watched a whole movie all the way through without interruption, went out to dinner, and I shopped to my hearts content whenever I wanted all by myself. Don't get me wrong we do most of those things still, just in a very different way. I would not change a thing about having children and we love to spend time doing "kid friendly" things but sometimes grown ups need to do grown up things.

We were way overdue for a date night so last weekend Nana was kind enough to come over and watch the boys while the hubby and I went out on what I call a "hot date". We went to a casino for dinner and gambled a bit. We talked and laughed and there was very little mention of the kids. Dinner was awesome. Dessert was amazing. I even ended up winning some money so the whole night was free! I love date night.

It is so important to reconnect with each other and remember that it starts and ends with the two of you. No matter what you decide to do for your date night just remember to enjoy the time because in a few hours you have to go home and be Mom and Dad again.

When was the last time you were on a "hot date" and where did you go?


S.Greiner said...

We are big fans of the "DATE NIGHT" and we did not have one for almost 2 years! It was a little too much!!! We go at least once a month now that my MIL lives in the same city as us! (THANK GOD!!!)

We're actually headed out on Sunday! We're going to be using some of our coupons!!! Love it!

Have a great weekend! Sounds like you're on a great start!

Feel free to stop by

Considering The Fields said...

New follower from the hop!

Ah yes date nights! My hubby and I use to do a weekly date night after #1 was born. #2 came in December and can't seem to get back on a weekly schedule. So necessary though! Those 2 hours we may get for a date are precious and always feel more refreshed after our time together.

Come visit me at Considering The Fields and enter my $10 Amazon GC giveaway to celebrate the launch of my blog! :) Have a great weekend!

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