Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's 9 am and you have maxed out your usage of the word Mom for the day!

Holy Cow! Some days my 4 year old says "Mom" or "Mom look at me" so many times in one day I want to scream! Yesterday he maxed out the word "Mom" by about 9 am. I love that kid and I love talking to him, he really does make me laugh but some days... I was extra tired and not feeling well so that did not help.
Oh dear tomorrow is another day.

I remember as a child every once in a while my Mom would declare that she was no longer going by the name Mom. She had changed her name to Penelope. As a child I never really understood why, until now.


Jill said...

OH that's funny!! It's amazing too that kids can sitting right next to Daddy, but still call out for Mummy to help!

Found you through the Thursday blog hop. I'm following you now and hope you'll stop by my blog sometime too!
have a great week!

1 Funky Woman said...

LOL! I feel the same way! I will sometimes yell out loud to my kiddos who are 6 and 11 and say, "I hate the name Mom!" You two use it way to much and I'm going on strike until you stop over using the word!

Thanks for stopping over and following, now following you! Off to read some more of your blog!


Unknown said...

New follower from the blog hop and I followed thru GFC and Twitter but had to send a request to be your friend on Facebook. I would greatly appreciate being followed back on all three if you don't mind. I did not know in the beginning that FB numbers matter as much as GFC if you want to review products that are decent so now I am playing catch up! Thanks for the help and have a good weekend.


Chubskulit Rose said...

Hahahha your son sounds like our four year old boy..

Following from the cup of Joe. Would be grateful if you could follow back at
Obstacles & Glories, thanks!

J.Rylie.C said...

New Follower from the Cup of Joe. Would you mind to follow my Little Blog please? Thank you!

Help4NewMoms said...

So true. Sounds like that commercial on The Family Guy..."Mom, mom, mom, mommy.."

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha! I can totally see how hearing mommy a zillion times could make ya want to be a Penelope instead! I think you're mom had a good idea there. Hmm, someday when my little one is old enough to drive me bonkers, I think I'll be Pretty Princess Gwendolyn...

Glad I found ya through the Thursday hop. Hope you'll come visit me and follow me back at:

Happy Thursday,


Crystal said...

Ahhh! I know the feeling! Often whish my two year old had volume control and that the word "Mama" was bleeped out!!


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