Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thomas 110 Calorie Thin Bagels Review

 I am definitely a breakfast person. I have to have a cup of coffee followed by a carb and some fruit. I usually have a bagel with cream cheese or toast and fruit. Sometimes though the bagel is so big I end up stuffed before I finish. I hate to waste anything let alone food. Since having the opportunity to try Thomas 110 Calorie Thin Bagels I can say I will never waste a bagel again. They of course are less calories than a normal bagel but I am not much of a calorie counter. For me I liked that they are thinner and can be used more like a sandwich bread. I had them with cream cheese, with peanut butter and put ham and cheese in them for lunch.
My son loved them too! He usually does not eat a whole bagel and I have to save the other half. With the thin bagels he eats the whole thing. He likes them plain or with a small amount of peanut butter. When I give him peanut butter he always seems to wipe it into his hair. Strange I know but he is a little character. My toaster was invaded by ants so I put these in the oven to toast them and since they are thinner than regular bagels they toasted up quickly and we very tasty warm with honey and butter on them. As I type this I am warming one up right now with pasta sauce and cheese for me and my little guy for lunch.

I recommend the Thomas 110 Calorie Thin Bagels for anyone who wants a quick snack, a lighter breakfast, or a nice alternative to sandwich bread.

 ** I am a Bzz Agent and received a coupon for free to try Thomas 110 Calorie Thin Bagels.

1 comment

Beauty and The Green said...

I love bagels, will try this. Following from MBC.

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