Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Baby Foods Review and Giveaway

In celebration of my wish for everyone to have a happy new year I am hosting a giveaway of Happy Baby Foods Product Coupons. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review their products. I knew I wanted my son to try the Salmon sticks and Veggie Tots as soon as I received my coupons. I was pleasantly surprised at the wide variety of foods Happy Baby makes. Plus they are made in the USA and USDA organic certified which I think is wonderful. My son LOVED and gobbled up like a eating machine the salmon sticks. For me as a kid it was a battle to get me to eat healthy foods so I was so happy to see him love fish. The veggie tots he picked apart a bit before he ate them and funny enough he picked out the black beans that were inside them and eat those separately.
The frozen chicken and veggie cubes he didn't seem to like as much. That was probably my fault since we don't use microwaves I had to heat them up in a sauce pan and they kind of got a bit smashed up. He is really into feeding himself and got a bit annoyed I was trying to spoon feed him.

The Happy Bellies Multi-grain Cereal was perfect to mix with his frozen meals to give it texture that he could feed himself with. When I let him eat them mixed he was much happier to be able to feed himself. I liked the added DHA and probiotics in the cereal for his brain and eye development. My hubby wears contacts so anything I can give my little guy for his eye health I like to feed him.

The yogurt melts he was head over heels for! He was saying "Num Num" when he was eating them it was so cute. He tried the mixed berry and the strawberry and they smelled so good I had to try them too!! They are very good. We had to go back to Whole Foods for more when he ran out because he looked so sad when I gave him puffs instead of yogurt melts. My little boy is an official a Happy Baby fan! The puffs I knew he would like since hes a puff a holic. I was happy to give him the green puffs that are made of leafy greens. The nice thing about the Happy Baby puffs is how big the container is. We used to get him Gerber puffs but they would go so quickly and are not organic.
I have not yet been able to find the fruit pouches in my Whole Foods market but I was told another store had them in stock so I am waiting for my local Whole Foods to have them for my son to try. While making this post I learned something new! Safeway carries Happy Baby so I will be getting those fruit pouches very soon. I would encourage every mom to serve your child the Salmon Sticks. They are so healthy and easy to just heat up and serve. My son oddly liked them cold and in the morning but he is my little boss so I gave him them how he likes them.

For the Giveaway Happy Baby will send one lucky reader a set of Happy Baby Product Coupons. The coupons include 2 happy yogurt melts, 2 organic puffs, 2 frozen happy baby meals, 2 frozen happy bites, 2 happy bellies cereal, and 2 fruit pouches.
You can find Happy Baby products at Whole Foods, Safeway stores, Babies R Us and other stores. You can search here to find a location near you.

Here is how to enter the Happy Baby Giveaway:
MANDATORY Entry: Follow Happy Baby on Twitter
Leave your email address in your comment so I can contact the winner.

Extra Entries: Can be done after leaving a comment for mandatory entry.
If the extra entry says 1 extra entry leave 1 comment and 2 extra entries leave me 2 comments and so on.
Follow Me on GFC (right top corner) +3
Follow Me on Twitter +2
"Like" my fan page on Facebook +1
"Like" Happy Baby on Facebook+1
Visit Happy Baby website and tell me your favorite product. +2
Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link +5

**Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. Giveaway starts January 1, 2011 and ends January 10, 2011 at midnight PST.  Winner will be emailed and has 48 hours to respond before another winner is selected. This review is my own opinion and may vary from others. I was not paid for this giveaway or post. I was sent product coupons for the products picture for this review.


Unknown said...

I Follow Happy Baby on Twitter

AubrieAnne said...

WOW! Thanks for the review and the giveaway. It looks great. Also, thanks for finding my blog!!!

AubrieAnne @

Jannine said...

I liked you fan page, and follow Happy Baby on facebook and twitter, I love the Happy Baby yogurt melts. Reblogging this on facebook, my blog will be up soon.

Amy K said...

I follow HappyBaby on Twitter @AKauz
akkauz at hotmail dot com

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Monica said...

I follow happybaby on twitter!
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Amy K said...

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akkauz at hotmail dot com

Monica said...

I like happybaby on facebook
Monica Huff Rinando

monica.rinando at gmail dot com

Monica said...

Our favorite happybaby product is the chicken bites frozen meals! #1

monica.rinando at gmail dot com

Monica said...

Our favorite happybaby product is the chicken bites frozen meals! #2

monica.rinando at gmail dot com

Amy K said...

Right now my baby's favorite product is the Mixed Berry Melts! I look forward to trying the Veggie Tots (1)
akkauz at hotmail dot com

Amy K said...

Right now my baby's favorite product is the Mixed Berry Melts! I look forward to trying the Veggie Tots (2)
akkauz at hotmail dot com

Mama on a Green Mission said...

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gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com

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Mama on a Green Mission said...

Haven't tried any yet, my LO will be eating soon - but I'd love to try the Happy Baby organic baby food - broccoli, peas and pears! Yum!

gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Following Happy Baby on Twitter!
Djsnuggless at aol dot com

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Shanna said...

following happy baby on twitter @shannatempel
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following happy baby on facebook
shannatempel at hotmail dot com

Shanna said...

My son loves the green puffs!
shannatempel at hotmail dot com

Shanna said...

My son loves the green puffs! 32
shannatempel at hotmail dot com

Rebecca said...

Follow Happy Baby on Twitter outofthoughts1 at gmail dot com

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susan said...

We love the HAPPYBABY Pouches 1.
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Anonymous said...

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wendy c k

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Anonymous said...

Our favorite product is the berry yogurt melts!

wendykate99 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Our favorite product is the berry yogurt melts!

wendykate99 at yahoo dot com

Mama on a Green Mission said...

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gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com

Mama on a Green Mission said...

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Mama on a Green Mission said...

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sweetmomiam at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I visited the site and my favorite product is the Happy Munchies Veggie. I know my kids would love these.

sweetmomiam at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I visited the site and my favorite product is the Happy Munchies Veggie. I know my kids would love these.

sweetmomiam at gmail dot com

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Rebecca Smith
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Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My daughter love love loved the melts! #1
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My daughter love love loved the melts! #2
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow Happy Baby Food on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

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Carol Anderson with the following e-mail address:
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digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said...

My son would like the Strawberry Puffs #1
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said...

My son would like the Strawberry Puffs #2
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I visited the site and I liked the Happy Tot Sweet potato and carrot.
1mamato2 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I visited the site and I liked the Happy Tot Sweet potato and carrot.
1mamato2 (at) gmail (dot) com

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Anonymous said...

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ReadyReader00 said...

I follow Happy Baby on twitter

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ReadyReader00 said...

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ReadyReader00 said...

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ReadyReader00 said...

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ReadyReader00 said...

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ReadyReader00 said...

My favorite product is the Happy Bites Chicken Bites.

ReadyReader00 said...

My favorite product is the Happy Bites Chicken Bites.

abby said...

Follow Happy Baby on twitter: uberabby2

awinters AT gmail

abby said...

My favorite are the banana puffs.
Entry 1
awinters AT gmail

abby said...

My favorite are the banana puffs.
Entry 2
awinters AT gmail

abby said...

Follow you on twitter: uberabby2
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awinters AT gmail

abby said...

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awinters AT gmail

abby said...

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awinters AT gmail

abby said...

like Happy Baby on FB: abby b.w.

awinters AT gmail

abby said...

GFC: uberabby
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awinters AT gmail

abby said...

GFC: uberabby
entry 2
awinters AT gmail

abby said...

GFC: uberabby
entry 3
awinters AT gmail

Anonymous said...

entry 1 or won?
let me know if chosen

Unknown said...

I follow happy baby on twitter under childrensnook

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter under childrensnook

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Laura said...

I follow happy baby on twitter!

Laura said...

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kathryn said...

liked coupon queen bee on facebook

Ελλάδα said...

This response really impressed me and made me feel much more confident about purchasing HappyBaby products in the future. They acted quickly, and responded thoroughly and honestly to the issue. They truly seem committed to their mission of supplying customers with the highest quality ingredients...and customer service! I will for sure be buying more HappyBaby products in the future.

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