Monday, November 29, 2010

Firefly Spider Man Toothbrush Review

Since my son's first teeth came in I have brushed them in one way or another. I used a washcloth or a small finger brush with water. Now that he is almost 1 and has 6 front teeth I was concerned he needed a better toothbrush. I was thrilled when I had the opportunity to review a Spider Man Firefly Toothbrush. Right out of the packaging I was impressed. Spider Man looked so cool. I enjoyed the way it lights up when the timer button is pushed. We even turned out the lights one night after brushing his teeth to watch the red light do a mini light show on the walls and ceiling. He made the sweetest face watching Spidey light the room.

The bristles were just right for his teeth, he let me only brush them a few seconds at a time but each time he seems to get more use to the sensation. My little guy is very grabby so his favorite part was to take the toothbrush from me and try to brush his hair. I recently showed him how to use his hair brush so now he brushes his hair with toys too.

I would recommend this toothbrush for any parent to buy for the light up timer that flashes for one minute. I think this gives kids something entertaining at the same time is giving them guidance on how long to be brushing. I like the idea of 1 minute for the top teeth then press the timer again and brush one minute on the bottom teeth.

Firefly toothbrushes are also available in Barbie, Hot Wheels and non character in the colors red, blue, green, yellow, pink and clear. You can find Firefly toothbrushes at Walmart, Kmart, Walgreens, Toys R Us, Target and Big Lots.
For more information you can follow FireFly Toothbrushes on Twitter and be a fan on Facebook.

* I was not paid for this post. This review is my own opinion and may vary from others. I was sent one free Firefly Spider Man toothbrush.

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