Sock 'n Boots Book Review
I loved to read books to my son. I feel it is a great learning experience and chance to bond with him. I try to select books for him that reflect what I want to teach him. Recently I had the opportunity to review a new book Sock 'n Boots: Share . My first thought was the characters are so cute because they go together, like peanut butter and jelly! My second thought is that they are fun characters and provide a colorful experience as my son learns. The detail of illustrations are wonderful. There is a lot going on in the background like bugs, birds and flowers and it makes for a very visual experience as you read the book. My son listened and touched the colorful pictures as I read it to him. He smiled when I decided to read it to him a few times more. He loves to listen to books that have a rhythmic rhyme to them like this book does.This book is about learning to share. The book offers a question in the beginning for the theme and shares a story about answering the question. I thought this was a great idea to make a child really listen to the story to see if they can find the answer. Plus it gives the opportunity to discuss the lesson the book is trying to teach. The book is simple and an easy read, one you can have your small child read back to you. Overall we loved the story and how they overcame obstacles together as a team to share and have a solution.
I look forward to the upcoming Sock 'n Boots: Afraid of the Dark and Sock 'n Boots: Play it Safe.
You can buy this cute book on Amazon here
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* This post is my honest opinion and may vary from other opinions. I was not paid for this post. I was provided for free the book to review.
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