Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kohls Labor Day Sale

 Every so often I get a postcard in the mail from Kohls for a FREE $10. I get so excited when I do because that means FREE baby clothes! I always get my son 2 outfits from the Clearance section or 2 pieces of Jumping Beans clothing, these usually go on sale for $4.99 anytime Kohls is having a sales event. I have gotten my son some really cute shorts, tank tops, jeans and pants that way. If you don't get the $10 off any purchase coupons in the mail you can sign up for their mailing list here and include your street address on your profile or even call customer service to request them to be sent to you. Kohls can send a lot of email so maybe use a email addy you have stuff like that sent to. I purchased for $ 0.87 one jumper outfit and a 2 piece set of Dino jammies. The items were on clearance and my receipt said I saved $35 from the original price, a great deal to me!



samiam said...

Thanks... Just signed up!

Sarah said...

I am your newest follower from Psychadelic Sundays at Stash Mama. Follow me back if you would like at :)

P.S. I love getting some deals at Kohls. My Mother seems to have the best luck!

Every Mom Has Her Day said...

hey kohls is awesome! too bad the closest one to me is about 30 minutes or longer!

thanks for stopping by! i'm following you back! hope your having a nice weekend! :)

stash mama said...

Heyy Thanks for the follow! I am totally following you back now! I hope you get a chance to enter the Trim Treads giveaway ending tomarrow with low entries! @
Stash Mama

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