Saturday, August 7, 2010

On Top of Spaghetti Book Review

The On Top of Spaghetti book was to me an Ok book. Cute idea to make the song into a book but I did not like some of the words used in the book such as "it hit Miss Jenkins smack dab in the squash" and  "tad whacker" when referring to a pig character. It seemed a little too grown up for having won it from the Huggies Enjoy the rides rewards program, since most of the kids that use their products are under 5 years old. The illustrations were nice but I did not like the flow of the story. Nice idea just wasn't a winner to me.  I do love the original song that inspired the book, the spaghetti song.
Did anyone else win this book from the Huggies instant win game? What did you think of it?


1 comment

brandon and jakell said...

Thanks so much for posting my button.. Not sure why its going smaller when people post it??? just asking people now to post the banner instead and link it to my site. Not sure how to fix it!

Thanks for following and being the only entry :) your awesome!

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