Monday, July 11, 2011

Pizza Garden from HGTV

I am not an expert when it comes to lawn and garden but I do my best to make it great. There are a ton of tips, plans and help on the internet to use for making your lawn and garden great. I use HGTV for many things when it comes to my yard. I recently found a really cool "Pizza Garden" that I wanted to share with everyone. It looks fun to do. We are pizza fanatics around here so this would be a great garden to have.

Materials Needed:

  • a sunny spot in the yard with well-drained soil
  • edging for "pizza" outline (metal, plastic or wood)
  • seedlings of your favorite toppings: tomato, bell pepper, chives (or onions), rosemary, basil, oregano, parsley
  • compost
  • water
The rest of the instructions for the Pizza Garden are on the HGTV website. I also found there more Kid-Friendly Garden projects. I look forward to being able to do projects like those when my son is a bit older.

Do you Garden? What do you grow? If you don't have a garden what would you grow if you could?

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