My son loves to play sports. Hes only 2 1/2 but hes really good at all sorts of sports activities. Its the one time he will follow directions and listen to what is being told to him. We have watched Golf, Football and Baseball on TV since he was first born. He would be so quiet sitting there watching and learning. He is awesome at throwing a football, he grips it right and can hit a target I set up for him. With force too, I have missed catching it and have been hit in the face many of times. He also is great with a bat, a little too good sometimes lol. I always seem to a target for being hit in all his sports. But I encourage him to keep playing and have fun with it.
Golf is something that he does that amazes me. He putts slowly and with care keeping his head down. Something that took me years to master. He loves to watch it on TV and shouts Golf and makes the swinging motion with his arms and his hands together like he is driving. He loves to practice in the living room. He gets a bit wild with using his driver but he has a blast.
Dont mind all the stuff on the floor, those are hazards for the golf game lol |
My question is about soccer. I have seen some leagues he can join but they are for Mommy and Me groups. I am concerned about there being a bunch of parents on the field getting in the way and being helicopters too much. I want him to learn to take direction from a coach and to listen to one or two adults in charge not the 20 or more parents there. He will have shin guards and I know he will fall over get a few bumps and bruises but thats apart of learning a sport. I am wondering if at his age 2 1/2 will it be worth the money we have to pay.
Have you ever had your child in a Mommy or Daddy and Me group for organized sports? If so what are your thoughts or advice.
That is too cute!
too cute, my little guys are into sports too my oldest just turned five and got his first t-ball set so we will see how that goes
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