Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cate and Levi People Puppets Review and Giveaway

I love imaginative play. I think it is a great way for children to learn and grow while using their imaginations. I also love puppets! Cate and Levi is a sweet little company that makes one of a kind, all natural and reclaimed material high quality children's items. They have the cutest stuffed animals, baby blankets, backpack buddies, and much more. We were lucky enough to review one of the People Puppets, the Princess to be exact.
This puppet is so sweet! It is a whole lot bigger than I thought it would be, the picture does not do it justice. The quality is outstanding. I know that my little princess is kind of young to play with the puppet as it is meant to be played with, but it is something that she will grown with and cherish for years to come. I love the color choices and the fact that each puppet is unique really makes me smile.

Just look at my Princess holding her Princess!! She already loves it :)

What I also like about Cate and Levi items is that every item is non toxic, eco-friendly and one of a kind. The rainbow of colors and textures reclaimed wool possesses gives their artisans the freedom to craft truly unique animals. If you are looking for a truly one of a kind item or gift this is the place to shop, you will not be disappointed!!


Win a Cate&Levi People Puppet


To Enter This Giveaway: (mandatory entry before extra entries)

Which People Puppet would you choose if you won?

*Leave a comment answering the question and be sure to leave your email address if its not public in your Google account*

Extra Entries: Can be done after leaving a comment for mandatory entry. If the extra entry says 1 extra entry leave 1 comment and 2 extra entries leave me 2 comments and so on.

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#Win a Cate&Levi People Puppet from @cateandlevi at @FrugalFamTree #Giveaway ends 5/8 http://www.frugalfamilytree.com/2012/04/cate-and-levi-people-puppets-review-and.html

 *Limited to US residents 18 years old and above. Giveaway starts April 17, 2012 and ends on May 8th, 2012 at midnight PST. Winner will be emailed and has 48 hours to respond before another winner is selected. I was not paid for this giveaway or post. I was provided the item reviewed in this post for free by the company or PR company that represents them. The opinions on this item are 100% mine and may vary from others. The sponsor is responsible for providing the prize.


Teh Doll said...

my son would love this


Teh Doll said...

like you on fb Teh Doll


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Unknown said...

i love the nurse puppet! cute!!!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

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christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

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christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

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christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

Julie Kieras said...

I would get my son the fireman puppet!
jkrs01 @comcast.net

Julie Kieras said...

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jkrs01 @comcast.net

Julie Kieras said...

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jkrs01 @comcast.net

Julie Kieras said...

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jkrs01 @comcast.net

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jkrs01 @comcast.net

Julie Kieras said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/ayearwithmomdad/status/195732443125399553
jkrs01 @comcast.net

Julie Kieras said...

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jkrs01 @comcast.net

Unknown said...

daily tweet


christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

daily tweet


christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

Kimberly R. said...

i would like the pirate puppet.


Kimberly R. said...

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Kimberly R. said...

i tweeted - https://twitter.com/#!/trinicutiegal/status/199449032840589312


Leah said...

princess puppet. ran02004@gmail.com

Leah said...

like C&L on fb. ran02004@gmail.com

Leah said...

following C&L on twitter. ran02004@gmail.com

Trish said...

I'd pick the pirate!

Trish said...

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Anonymous said...

I would pick the pirate puppet wilcarvic

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

I'd pick the fireman since my husband is a fireman.

Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

I follow you on twitter @couponluvr83

Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com

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Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

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Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

I follow Cate & Levi on twitter @couponluvr83

Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

I follow Cate & Levi in Facebook
Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com

Unknown said...

OOHO! the pirate is awesome =) hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i follow you on twitter @organicmommyluv
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i added you to my google plus, stacy h(under staycelb at yahoo acct)

hancoci_s at msn dot com

yo8798 said...

pirate :)

yo8798 said...

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Nicole said...

the pirate and the princess! nickelpicklemom@gmail.com

yo8798 said...

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yo8798 said...


Amy V said...

i'd choose the pirate!

annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

added you to google+

*Brittany C* said...

I would choose the Princess and Nurse if I won!
BritJJ @ yahoo.com

*Brittany C* said...

I Like Cate&Levi on Facebook! Brittany C
BritJJ @ yahoo.com

*Brittany C* said...

Following Cate&Levi on Twitter! @BrittanyCJJ
BritJJ @ yahoo.com

*Brittany C* said...

I like You on FB! Brittany C
BritJJ @ yahoo.com

*Brittany C* said...


BritJJ @ yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

My son likes the pirate one the most
josephplee at live.com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on gfc, monica tompkins
josephplee at live.com

Anonymous said...

I like you on fb, joseph lee
josephplee at live.com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter @giveawayjoe
josephplee at live.com

Anonymous said...

I like cate & levi on fb, joseph lee
josephplee at live.com

Anonymous said...

I follow cate & levi on twitter @giveawayjoe
josephplee at live.com

Anonymous said...


josephplee at live.com

Mama Love said...

the pirate!


Deanna said...

fave: pirate
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

like cate&levi on FB (deanna time)
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

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deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

follow you on twitter (dlw447)
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

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deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Joy Lin said...

I would choose the pirate puppet, my friend just had her 3rd son, I think the little guys would love to have it as a playmate :)

Emily said...

I would choose the Pirate! :)

fallingfan at gmail.com

Nancy said...

If I won, I'd choose the Pirate!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said...

Like Cate & Levi on FB

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said...

Like FFT on FB

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Candie L said...

I like the Pirate. Thank you


Candie L said...

I am following you on google circles. THank you


Robin Blankenship said...



Robin Blankenship said...



Jen Crum said...

we would choose the fireman!

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977@gmail.com Which People Puppet I would choose if I won is Princess http://www.cateandlevi.com/princess_en_126prod.html

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977@gmail.com Sue Bunting like Cate & Levi Collection on FB

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977@gmail.com sueabunting1 following Josh Title via twitter

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977@gmail.com Sue Bunting following Frugal Family Tree via google+

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977@gmail.com Sue Bunting like Frugal Family Tree on FB

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977@gmail.com sueabunting1 following Frugal Family Tree via twitter

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977@gmail.com Sue Bunting posted on Facebook about this giveaway https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.frugalfamilytree.com%2F2012%2F04%2Fcate-and-levi-people-puppets-review-and.html%3Fspref%3Dfb&t=Cate+and+Levi+People+Puppets+Review+and+Giveaway

Sue Bunting said...

suebunting1977@gmail.com sueabunting1 tweeted this giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/SueABunting1/status/200036656223490048

Meg said...

I would get the pirate! Too cute.

meg @ adventuresasasmalltownmom (dot) com


Meg said...

Following you on twitter too!


Kim said...

I love the princess puppet!


Kim said...

I like Cate and Levi on FB
Kimberly Summer Pollock

Kim said...

I like u on FB
Kimberly Summer Pollock

Katie Rose said...

My boys would love the pirate puppet

kathrynrose12 at hotmail dot com

Barbara said...

The Nurse!

Barbara said...

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nova said...

I would choose the princess puppet. Thank you for the great giveaway...


nova said...


Liked Frugal Family new page on Facebook.

nova said...

Liked Cate and Levi on Facebook. Thank you for the giveaway.

Donna said...

I like the princess.

Donna said...

I Like Cate&Levi on Facebook (Donna Kozar)

Donna said...

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Donna said...

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Kristie said...

I would choose the Fireman for my nephew because his dad is a fireman. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Kristie said...

Like Cate and Levi on Facebook. Kristie Morrison Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Kristie said...

Like Frugal Family Tree on Facebook. Kristie Morrison Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Kristie said...

Follow Cate and Levi on Twitter. @kdonelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Kristie said...

Follow Frugal Family Tree on Twitter. @kdonelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Kristie said...

Follow you on Google +. Kristie Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Kristie said...

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/kdonelson/status/200076484281499650

kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Kristie said...

Shared on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=451483651532284&id=575570496

kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi thanks for the contest
I would like the pirate puppet

Cynsbaby at gmail

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

I tweeted:


Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com

aimee said...

I would like the pirate or the nurse, both really cute.

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