Monday, June 18, 2012

T-fal Healthy Summer Challenge Tip #1

This summer I am delighted to be one of the bloggers taking part in the T-fal Healthy Summer Challenge. I will be sharing a few tips with you on how I make small but important changes to live a healthier lifestyle.

Tip #1

Summertime means eating lots of ice cream around my house. I am making changes to eat healthier, so I have decided to replace my ice cream with healthy and delicious frozen yogurt.

Besides being good for you, frozen yogurt comes in so many delicious flavors. I love adding fresh fruit or crushed granola to make a super yummy summer dessert that appeals to everyone in my family.

 What sweet treat can you replace with a healthier option for your summertime desserts?

*I wrote this blog post while participating in the T-FFal Healthy Summer Challenge blogging program for a chance to win a T-fal ActiFry or additional cookware.

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