Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Secret Love...Donuts

Do you have a food that you love so much that you tend to ignore it's bad qualities?
Like a bad habit or a bad boyfriend, you know you shouldn't go there, but you just can't help yourself! Well, I do, and it's donuts. When I lived in California there seemed to be a donut shop on every corner. But up here in Seattle the humble donut is a little hard to find. It's been replaced by biscotti and croissants, and I like those too. But nothing beats a fresh from the donut shop, soft and yummy donut.
Thank goodness for Top Pot. They have several locations and have the best donuts in the city. (And yes, they spell it doughnut.) Having lost some weight, I really don't want to go back to having a big muffin-top, or donut-top, in my case. So it's a struggle.
My fridge is filled with just bought veggies and healthy salad fixings which I will eat and enjoy. I just have to have my goals in mind, and that is to eat healthy to be healthy. And ignore all those thoughts about my love... donuts.

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