Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Typo That Annoys Me

Can you spot the typo in this sign? It annoys me! I've sent emails but it has not been fixed. We also had a road sign near the freeway that said "Feeway" instead of "Freeway" that one made me chuckle since yes as tax payers the freeway is not free. But the other one in a kids play AREA makes me so annoyed! Its been this way for a few years now.

I think the typo is why my son gets a little wild here, it is after all talking about a Greek god of war.


Betty Roberts said...

lol i agree the feeway is kind of funny, up here in ny they messed up a school crossing sign on the pavement "shcool" makes you think some of these people really need to go back to school

L Howard said...

lol the "shcool" one is bad! yikes.

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