Sunday, January 29, 2012

Farmers Market and Auction

The winter months seem to lack on of my favorite things to do on the weekend, Festivals! Last Spring, Summer and Fall we went to some type of festival at least every weekend. Most of the time it was a free event and we would bring snacks and drinks so we could spend a little on the games or rides. As the winter came all the outdoor fun has stopped. The only outdoor activity left to do is thankfully Farmers Markets. Living in Cali we seem to have many to pick from. On Tuesdays there is one at our local Whole Foods. Its tiny and expensive but still fun to walk around and see all the fresh food. Its a visual treat as well! The other Farmers Market we have is a huge one that is also an auction and yard sale galore type of atmosphere called Denios. Its always fun to go to and is open every weekend rain or shine. There is music, tons of people, food vendors, tons of great fresh food and lots of bargains to be found in the garage sale type of vendors area. There used to be a big fish display that my husband and I have visited for many years that is now gone and replaced by Zombie shooting range lol

A new thing happening at Denios in Roseville, the farmers market we go to, is Live Auctions. We did not get a chance to attend this one today since we were unprepared but I think it would be a fun thing to try.

Have you ever attended a live auction? Do you have any tips for me?

1 comment

Samantha said...

love farmers markets!!!

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